Today’s Motto: ‘If you can’t explain it simply, you don’t understand it well enough’
As every day makes a new beginning in life, it brings new opportunities, opens new avenues, to perform and make a mark, to write a Page in history Book !
This is Your Day-TODAY: Take a Determined Step Forward and Make History!
On this day, Oct.13……..
1781 – A treaty was signed between the Britishers and ruler of Gwalior, Scindia.
1860 – First successful aerial photograph in the US was taken over Boston by James Wallace Black in a balloon. (Credit for the first aerial photograph goes to French author and artist Felix Tournachon who used the nom de plume Nadar. He captured the first aerial photo from a balloon tethered over the Bievre Valley in 1858, though his work is lost).
1868 – Thomas Edison executed his first patent, by signing and dating his application. His invention was an “Electrographic Vote-Recorder,” the first of its kind, which he designed for use by legislative bodies, who would have been enabled to vote for or against an issue by turning a switch to the right or left. His idea remained unappreciated. Thus, his first patented invention was, in effect, a failure. His next invention was a Printing Telegraph).
1884 – Greenwich established as universal time meridian of longitude.
1953 – Burglar alarm-ultrasonic or radio waves-patented by Samuel Bagno.
1978 – Maharashtra branch of Forward Block Party merged in Indira Congress.
1987 – First military use of trained dolphins (US Navy in Persian Gulf). The US and Soviet militaries have trained and employed oceanic dolphins for several reasons. Such military dolphins have been trained to rescue lost naval swimmers or to locate underwater mines}.
1989 – Panchayati Raj and Nagarpalika Bills defeated in Rajya Sabha.
2013 – At least 109 people, including children, were killed and more than 100 injured in a stampede on a crowded bridge leading to a temple in northern Madhya Pradesh on Sunday, with many of the devotees leaping to their death in the water below. Officials put the number of dead at 89.
2018 – Oldest known human remains from Poland at 115,000 years; revealed to be Neanderthal child from Ciemna Cave eaten by a large bird.
2019- Simone Biles becomes the most decorated gymnast in history when she wins record 25th medal at the World Championships in Stuttgart, Germany (pic credit-SheKnows).
1911 – Ashok Kumar, veteran Bangali and Bollywood actor, also played host in Ham Loge popular TV serial (pic credit -ZeeNews
1240 – Razia Sultan, first lady ruler of Delhi throne, was murdered by Turks.
1911 – Sister Nivedita, British Nun, also called Bhagini Nivedita follower of Swami Vivekanand. She declared Bharat is a Holy land.
1987 – Kishore Kumar (Ganguly), well known singer.
1987 – Walter H Brattain. {He was an American physicist who shared (with John Bardeen and William B. Shockley) the Nobel Prize for Physics in 1956 for investigating semiconductors (materials of which transistors are made) and for the development of the transistor. Brattain’s hands built the first transistor, replaced the bulkier vacuum tube for many uses and was the forerunner of microminiature electronic parts}.
2002 – Nirupa Roy, veteran Bollywood actor who acted in over 250 films from 1946 to 1999, also played mother’s role in numerous films including Deewar with Amitabh Bachchan as her son.
You may have known….
King Henry VII’s wedding displayed the first fireworks on record in 1486 AD.
{Compiled by Lt. Gen. (R) Raj Kadyan}
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