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Walking, an age-old exercise of loosing weight

In a world where fad diets and intense workout regimens dominate the realm of weight loss, one age-old exercise has stood the test of time: walking.

In a world where fad diets and intense workout regimens dominate the realm of weight loss, one age-old exercise has stood the test of time: walking. Classified as a simple, steady-state workout, it’s not only low-cost but also sustainable over extended periods. But how much is too much when it comes to daily step count?

“The general guideline is to aim for at least 10,000 steps, which can help create a caloric deficit. But don’t fret if you can’t reach that number right away; every step counts, and it’s more about consistency than hitting a specific target,” says Robin Chug, a Delhi-based holistic wellness coach.

Here’s the math: If you weigh around 80 kg, walking at a moderate pace burns approximately 60 calories per 1,000 steps. If you maintain your weight with around 6,000 footsteps a day, increasing it to 8,000 could burn an extra half kg per month. Increasing it to 10,000 may result in an additional one kg per month. On the flip side, people who are typically fit and active, but shift to a sedentary routine with fewer than 5,000 daily steps may experience a reduction of around 700 calories burned per day. This change frequently leads to notable weight gain, primarily in the form of fat. Therefore, closely monitoring and managing your count becomes vital not only for jumpstarting and expediting fat loss, but also for sustaining weight loss
over the long run.

Chug explains that the 10,000-step recommendation isn’t arbitrary; it’s rooted in research and represents an approximate daily activity level needed to maintain a healthy weight. To set a realistic goal based on your activity level and weight loss needs, start with 8,000 steps a day, as it increases calorie expenditure. Step it up adding 2,000 steps a week. While initially it may seem daunting, especially if you spend most of your time at home or in the office, you can achieve it by integrating walking into your existing habits. For instance, establish a routine of taking a 10-minute stroll after every meal, which will contribute an average of 3,500 steps to your daily count.

If aiming for body fat below 10 percent, you can even target up to 20,000 per day. “Walking with ease not only releases the knots in the body, but it also supports digestion, thus helping reduce weight. Gentle walking loosens one up and releases stress from stiff back, legs and the mind,” says Mumbai-based life coach Mickey Mehta.

While walking is beneficial, it’s important to combine it with other strategies like calorie deficit, strength training, and high-intensity interval training for comprehensive weight loss. Walking is a harmonious addition, not a replacement.

Walk the walk
●  Improves cardiovascular health
●  Elevates mood
●  Enhances bone strength
●  Curbs risk of chronic diseases
●  Facilitates sleep


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