Surya WCSS Hospital saves an 18-day old baby suffering from Food-pipe disorder
Pune: The systematic clinical approach of Surya Women and Child Super Specialty Hospital (SWCH), Pune has once again come to the limelight after its highly skilled pediatricians & neonatologists gave a new lease of life to an 18-day-old baby, who was suffering from a congenital defect of food-pipe and windpipe besides being on mechanical respiratory support and IV medications.
The baby had difficulty in breathing and abdomen distension (abnormally swollen tummy) for which she was admitted at another children’s hospital in the vicinity.
There she was treated for respiratory distress syndrome (RDS), persistent pulmonary hypertension of new-born (PPHN), shock and sepsis before she was retrieved to SWCH for advanced clinical management.
After closely monitoring the baby’s condition, it was observed that she had intermittent abdominal distension, copious and frothy clear ET secretions while on mechanical ventilation. All these symptoms led to suspicion of H type TEF.
A CT scan of the neck and thorax was performed and the diagnosis was confirmed with video bronchoscopy, which revealed a fistula 0.5 cm above the carina (the ridge of the breastbone).
A pleural patch was placed to prevent refistulization after the baby was operated on via a highly complicated posterolateral thoracotomy approach.
During surgery, there was the risk of bleeding, infection, and injury to blood vessels and vital organs.
Dr Sachin Shah, Director – Neonatal and Pediatric Intensive Care Services, Surya Women and Child Super Specialty Hospital (SWCH) said that “H type TEF is an abnormal connection between the oesophagus and the trachea. Congenital TEF can arise due to failed fusion of the trachea esophageal ridges during the third week of embryological development”
“These symptoms are usually confused with common neonatal problems such as RDS, PPHN, etc. and the diagnosis can be missed as was the case here. A high index of suspicion is needed to diagnose this condition” Doctor said.
“Complications after H type TEF repair include esophageal anastomotic leak, esophageal stricture, gastro esophageal reflux, recurrent fistula, and tracheal obstruction. But, in this case the baby was hemodynamically stable throughout surgery and post-operative also the baby went home without any complication,” he said.According to the hospital, Post the complicated surgery, her congenital defect was corrected and she is perfectly healthy with no further requirement of clinical management or precautions
She was discharged on 22 days of life without any complications during the surgery and postoperative care we well. (UNI)
#Surya W&C Hospital, #Childcare
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