Motto for Today: It’s not what you say out of your mouth that determines your life, ……….’s what you whisper to yourself that has the most power.
As each day makes a new beginning in life, it brings new opportunities, opens new avenues, to perform and make a mark, to write a Page in History Book!
This is Your Day-TODAY: Take a Determined Step Forward and Make History!
On this day, 20 Apr….
1611 – First known performance of Shakespeare’s tragedy Macbeth at the Globe Theatre, London (photo credit-Poetry Foundation)
1865 – Safety matches were first advertised.
1897 – A U.S. patent was issued for a “Submarine Vessel” invented by Simon Lake. Lake was interested in the use of a submarine for commercial, rather than military, purposes. It had a hinged observation tube, which could be provided with a mirror (forerunner of the periscope).
1902 – Pierre and Marie Curie isolated one gram of radium, the first sample of the radioactive element.
1954 – Panchsheel agreement between China and India.
1964 – The first picturephone transcontinental call was made between New York City and Anaheim, California.
1965 – First Indian team led by M. S. Kohli ascends the Everest.
2011 – In France, a law banning wearing the burqa and hijab goes into effect.
1878 – Maulvi Abdul Haq, father of Urdu. He demanded for it to be made the national language of Pakistan.
1889 – Adolf Hitler, Austrian-born German dictator and Führer of Nazi Germany (1936-45).
1948 – Babita, actor.
1972 – Mamta Kulkarni, actor.
1236 – Iltutmish, father of Raziya Sultan.
1960 – Pannalal Ghosh, famous flute player.
1970 – Shakeel Badayuni, poet (pic
You may have known….
Sinistral snails have shells that coil counterclockwise, and they are able to mate with other snails that have this rare mutation.
{Compiled by Lt. Gen. (R) Raj Kadyan}
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