Motto for Today: The best way to predict the future is to invent it.
As each day is a new beginning in one's life, it brings new opportunities, opens new avenues, to perform and make a mark, to write a Page in History Books
This is Your Day-TODAY: Take a Determined Step Forward and Make History!
On this day, Nov.06…. ….
1899 – James Packard and his brother, William Doud Packard, had finished building a car of their own design, and gave it a road test on the streets of Warren, Ohio. As a mechanical engineer, when he was dissatisfied with the Winton car he had bought, and gave his criticisms to the manufacturer, it is said that Alexander Winton gave him a curt reply suggesting that he build his own, if he thought he could do better. It took fourteen months for the Packard brothers, with two men hired from Winton, to produce what became known as the Packard Model A. It had high wire wheels, was steered by a tiller rather than a wheel, and was powered by a single-cylinder engine under the seat. Packard had invented the automatic spark advance as an improvement. He sold the car for $1250, and thus began in business.
1904 – Mohandas K. Gandhi arrested for leading Indian miners march in South Africa. (The shy young Indian lawyer who landed in the South African port city of Durban in 1893 was unsure of what the future held for him, and there was little in his personality to suggest that he had the leadership skills to lead a mass movement. Yet, some years later, when Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi returned to India, he was a fully-formed leader, supremely confident about his moral philosophy, and ready to take his country down the road to freedom).
1914 – The British land troops (mostly from the Indian Army) at the head of the Persian Gulf in Mesopotamia, and will begin to move westward in an attempt to draw Turkish troops from other fronts.
1950 – King Tribhuvana of Nepal flees to India.
1962 – National Defence Council established.
1979 – Ayatollah Khomeini takes over in Iran.
1988 – Koneru Humpy, from Andhra Pradesh, wins the World under-12 girls’ chess title in Oropesa del Mar, Spain.
2000 – Richa Mishra creates a national record in the women’s 400m individual medley in 5.15.28sec in the 55th Senior National Aquatic championship in Calcutta.
2016 – Indian government declares levels of air pollution in Delhi an emergency situation, closing schools and construction sites.
2018 – Human longevity is less than 10% dependent on genetics according to study published in journal “Genetics” based on 400 million people from
1814 – Antoine-Joseph “Adolphe” Sax, a Belgian-French musical instrument designer, who took the name Adolphe, began creating new forms of musical instruments at age 15. He invented the saxophone.
1985 – Yuvika Choudhary, actor.
1976 – David Marine, American pathologist whose substantial research on the treatment of goitre with iodine led to the iodising of table salt.
1985 – Sanjeev Kumar, actor.
You may have known:
The honey bee has been around for 30 million years. (Sanjeev Kumar video credits–Filmi Khayal) {Complied by Lt. Gen. (R) Raj Kadyan}
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