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IPCC synthesis report endorses India’s call for climate justice and equity: Bhupender Yadav

NEW DELHI: India on Monday welcomed the IPCC’s synthesis report, saying it confirmed climate change as one of the key environmental challenges facing humanity and endorsed the country’s call for “equity and climate justice”.

Articulating India’s point on the synthesis report which integrated findings of all earlier six reports of the IPCC post-2015, environment minister Bhupender Yadav said, “The Report echoes the vision of ‘Mission LiFE’ launched PM Narendra Modi in October, 2022 and the call for a global mass movement under ‘Mission LiFE’ for inducing behavioral changes focused on ‘mindful and deliberate utilization’ of resources.”
He said the report reaffirmed the role of unequal historical and ongoing contributions to GHG emissions. “Role of unsustainable lifestyles and patterns of consumption and production have been emphasized along with unsustainable energy use,” said Yadav.
The minister referred to the points made by the IPCC in its summary for policymakers (SPM) where it said that many options are available for reducing emission-intensive consumption, including through “behavioral and lifestyle changes”, with co-benefits for societal well- being.
Yadav also referred to the points of finance and adaptation gap where the SPM said that the critical adaptation gaps exist which are expected to widen at current rates and called for rapidly ramping up global finance flows for adaptation, targeting developing countries.

The report, in fact, draws attention to the fact that the largest climate finance gaps are in developing countries. “Scientists confirmed that financial support from developed to developing countries is a critical enabler of climate action highlighting that current flows are inadequate. This includes the promised-but-never-received US$100 billion,” said Yadav.
The IPCC before coming out with its synthesis report reviewed 6,841 comments and thousands of reference materials from across the globe. Total 93 authors from 40 countries, including from India, were involved in compiling the report. Thirty-seven of them were from developing countries while 56 from developed nations.
Overall, the authors had collectively assessed more than 1 lakh literature and over 3 lakh comments for compiling all the reports of the sixth assessment report (AR6) cycle.
The synthesis report integrates the main findings of the AR6 cycle based on contributions from the three Working Groups, and the three Special Reports. It recognizes the interdependence of climate, ecosystems and biodiversity, and human societies; the value of diverse forms of knowledge; and the close linkages between climate change adaptation, mitigation, ecosystem health, human well-being and sustainable development, and reflects the increasing diversity of actors involved in climate action.
“The report re-emphasizes India’s consistently held position that development is our first defense against climate change and that urgent and rapid climate actions are needed by the developed countries based on the principles of climate Justice and equity, both in terms of emissions reduction and the mobilizing of finance and making available the latest technology to the developing countries,” said Yadav.
The report reinforces the scientific view that CO2 is the primary GHG and needs to be drastically reduced. The report mentions that for every 1000 GtCO2 emitted by human activity, global surface temperature rises by 0.45°C (best estimate, with a likely range from 0.27 to 0.63°C). The remaining carbon budgets from the beginning of 2020 are 500 GtCO2 for a 50% likelihood of limiting global warming to 1.5°C and 1150 GtCO2 for a 67% likelihood of limiting warming to below 2°C. Reaching net zero CO2 or GHG emissions primarily requires deep and rapid reductions in gross emissions of CO2, as well as substantial reductions of non-CO2 GHG emissions.
As the report noted that the adverse impacts from human-induced climate change will continue to intensify, and the vulnerability to impacts of climate change in the near term are strongly dependent on levels of development, and exposure to extreme weather and climate events which will increase at higher warming levels, the minister said, “These findings underline India’s position that we must focus on sustainable development.”


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