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Hessen Cricket & Cultural Assn. team meets CGI Mubarak

Frankfurt: HCCA team meets and greets Mr. Mubarak, Consul General of India, Frankfurt and Mr.  Vibha Kant Sharma Consul. in Frankfurt recently to thank the CGI .
The team led by Chairman Bimal Roy and comprising President Kamal Vatsain expressed thanks to consulate for useful  collaboration in sports and cultural activities of  Indian diaspora in the state of Frankfurt. The team was assured full co-operation and support in future as well by the CGI officials.

Hessen Cricket & Cultural Association e.V., (earlier called HCA) conducts so many cultural and sports actiivities in Frankfurt and adjoining areas of the State. The Association also conducts a popular cricket tournament every year  which gets wide participation by the Indian community in Germany and other local  sports lovers.

The team HCCA delegation had Executive committee members  Plash Chopra, Tarun Kalra, and Shubhankar Mandal.If possible, Hessen cricket association has come a long way upgrading Indo-German connect especially as it supports Deutsche Cricket Bund & Friends of India ( CGI Frankfurt initiative) for sports and crucial cultural events like Indien Fest.       Important link:   India in Germany (Consulate General of India, Frankfurt)  

                                                                                                                 (from Bureau in Germany)

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