Democracies sans Responsibility (2)
Democracies, are flawed world over, because of several reasons:
First and the foremost, is the primacy of Quantity (numbers) over Quality. It is true, every human being should have equal rights, facilities and preferences. But rights must come with Gyan to make a wise judgement, to distinguish between Salt and Sugar, between Friend and Foe.
In most democracies, Voters are just Numbers, so the Leaders are also elected not for Skills or qualifications but by the sheer ‘Numbers’ they collect. Such democracies fail to deliver and ultimate sufferers are the Voters (nay Numbers), who elected wrong, inefficient leaders. Such democracies are India, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Pakistan and many more, who conduct elections periodically, but send least qualified leaders, Family members or manipulators again and again! The Voters should be educated and well informed about their candidates, their Choices. Do we send qualified, efficient leaders, elected on Merit to administer or perform ? No.
Did our Freedom Fighters sacrifice their lives for such non-functional Democracies ?
Second reason for failure of a Democracy to Deliver, is the absence of Responsibility. The leaders must be held responsible, answerable to Perform, or resign or be Re-called ! The Electors must have the option to reject or recall their leaders; MLAs, MPs and Ministers every year. The Citizens should also be aware of their Responsibilities before they demand Quality life ! Examples of such responsible Citizens are Japanese, Israelis, Germans etc. They consider their Duty first and Demands later !
Third Flaw in most Democracies, is the Mismanagement of Resources ! Countries like India, Koreas, Brazil, Pakistan etc. have plenty of resources, but most Governments have failed to utilize these for Optimum use. Corruption, pilferage and scarce application of technology, research are rampant, resulting into failures of democracies !
Fourth flaw in most democracies, is too much dependence on Bureaucracy. Most leaders, ministers get their positions by ‘managing’ their Numbers alias Voters and are least qualified to administer or deliver governance! They are not much aware of Laws and Procedures. So they are Guided or Mis-guided by Bureaucrats, in their flawed decisions. …And their first target is to recover the funds used in luring voters and collect for the next and future elections. They also crave for lucrative ministry portfolios and mint money over their tenure in the Ministry or Legislative terms. That is why, most of them fail to recognize their Electors after 5 years, and vice versa !
Last reason for most failed democracies, is the ‘Chalta Hai’ syndrome. The Administrations fail to fix targets of development. Even if they fix targets, these are only for public consumption, forgotten earlier than announced. No proper planning, no logical monitoring and no end delivery ! Voters too fail to demand, monitor or punish them for non-delivery.
So, where are the Responsible Democracies ?
Are All Democracies of Europe and America Responsible… and Delivering?
(……….. to be continued !)
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