Constitution, Parliament and Silent Majority !
India celebrated 72nd Constitution Day on Nov. 26 to re-collect and re-live the process undergone in writing the most celebrated and revered document of Independent India. The Preamble of this voluminous document states “We, the people of India, having solemnly resolved to …….. give to Ourselves this Constitution” The three year long process of deliberations by the 389 member Constituent Assembly (CA) must have visualized the desirable effort and commitment required in putting the very tenets of this preamble into practice, as CA wisely added 2 sets of Fundamental Rights (Art.19) and Directive Principles (Art 36+) in the Constitution to help the future governments at Centre and states to provide effective governance to the People. The formation of a Democratic Republic as Independent India, would be called, after a long struggle and sacrifice, had raised high hopes among citizens, on the benefits of liberty and equality. Has the dream of Independent India, with liberty and equality been realized or is getting farther by the day, needs to be pondered over !
Recent events raise questions whether, We, the People… are using our freedom and liberty wisely and judiciously for realizing that dream of Independent India or not. Are we a Participative Democracy or a Silent Majority, leaving our liberty to be misused by hooligans or manipulative minority? What the Preamble of Constitution meant by …”We, the People of India…… give ourselves” has hidden intent of being part of the governance, framing rules, understanding and following them with due diligence. A democracy has two important components- the Government of your choice and the People- governed by their chosen government.
This spirit of participation has been missing from either side for most of the period since independence. As the Constitution gives us equal opportunity to elect a government of our choice (by majority), it also entrusts upon us to respect the decisions taken by this ‘majority government’. The right to dissent, is also enshrined in the book, but through peaceful and legal means. The Parliament is the right forum where Government and Opposition parties need to pass the laws for the benefit of all their People.
The actions of Opposition parties during the last 11 months, on 3 Agricultural Reform Laws, passed by the sanctum sanctorum of Parliament, by misguiding minority groups of farmers and creating confusion in the minds of poor farmers has put the country to shame. The Laws were deliberated by a group of agricultural experts and agro-economists mainly to help make farming economically viable and profitable. The experts have also inferred that Central govt. needs to allocate Rs 17 lakh crore to guarantee MSP purchasing. The efforts of farming experts were to guide rural population to diversify their produce and shift to commercial crops. There were provisions in the Laws to free them from agents or ‘adhtiyas lobby’, which often fleece them and make profit out of farmers’ labour. The laws were then discussed in both the Houses of Parliament, where Members could discuss and forward amendments before putting to vote. The opposition avoided debate in the Houses and preferred irresponsible display on the Delhi borders for about a year. The 11 months of violent protests, blockades made a Majority govt. to repeal the laws, thereby forgoing a golden opportunity of reforming and innovating traditional Indian farming practices.
The very spirit of Participative Democracy, as enshrined in the Constitution was defeated, as majority was forced to retract a forward move. A new dangerous precedent of Adopting and Repealing laws in Sansad, will set in. There will be no end to unjustified demands of fringe groups, Minority over-ruling Silent Majority.
It is therefore time for Modi Govt. and wise Parliamentarians in the Opposition benches to sit together and stop any further downfall in Indian democratic traditions. It is also time for Silent Majority, to be awake and be counted as participative Majority !
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