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Comradery stories from the Border arena; adventures of life under firepower

भारतीय सैन्य कथाएं - फौजी अपने यार के लिए जान भी कुर्बान करता है !


Comradery somewhere on the Fronts: The lives of our soldiers in the border areas have stories of not only Velour, Qurbani, but also of Adventure and unflinching comradeship. Our editorial Advisor, veteran Major General CP Singh narrates some real-life experiences of his journey through IMA and 36 years of military service. He spent most of his service years on the borders combating enemies, with moments without batting an eyelid or having a short nap.  A soldier finds ways and means to rest and recuperate even in those tense environments.

The exemplary willingness of a soldier to give up his life for the sake of his buddy. This comradeship should be imbibed by everyone in every sphere of life.

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