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महाराजा रणजीत सिंह आर्म्ड फोर्सेज प्रिपरेटरी इंस्टीट्यूट के 15वें कोर्स के लिए प्रवेश परीक्षा 12…
इच्छुक विद्यार्थी आवेदन 22 दिसंबर तक कर सकते हैं
Today’s Motto: ‘A cat that is afraid to get his paws wet, seldom catches a fish’
As Every Day makes a new beginning in life, it brings new opportunities, opens new avenues to perform and make a mark, to write a Page in History Book!
दिव्या हाई स्कूल चंडीगढ़ ने अपना वार्षिक समारोह ‘ए कल्चरल फिएस्टा-24’ मनाया
चंडीगढ़: दिव्या पब्लिक स्कूल, (सेक्टर 44-डी) चंडीगढ़ ने शनिवार को स्कूल परिसर में अपना वार्षिक समारोह “ए कल्चरल फिएस्टा-24” आयोजित किया। इस अवसर पर दलजीत सिंह मंगत, आईएएस, डिवीजनल कमिश्नर, पटियाला, पंजाब मुख्य अतिथि थे। कार्यक्रम की…
Varanasi Weather Update: Bright Sunshine in December, February-like Heat
Varanasi : Varanasi's weather in December has been unusually warm, with bright sunshine that reminds one of February. The city's daytime temperatures have been hovering around 25°C, while the minimum temperature has dipped to 12°C, showing…
Railway Board Chairman to Inspect Varanasi Cantt Station Before Railway Minister Ashwini Vaishnav
Varanasi : Ahead of Railway Minister Ashwini Vaishnav's visit to Varanasi, Railway Board Chairman Sujeet Kumar is set to inspect the Cantt and Banaras stations. While the exact time of his visit remains unclear, preparations to enhance the…
Today’s Motto: ‘Nothing is easy for the unwilling mind’
As Every Day makes a new beginning in life, it brings new opportunities, opens new avenues to perform and make a mark, to write a Page in History Book!
POWERGRID inks MoU with IIT Roorkee to Establish Centres of Excellence
Gurugram: The power sector Maharatna, Power Grid Corporation of India (POWERGRID), has signed a Memorandum of Understanding with IIT Roorkee for a ₹20.73 crore Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) contribution to foster technology…
Veteran aviation expert Prof. Dinesh Kumar awarded International Book of Honor at UK Parliament
London: Former Director, Airports Authority of India and an avid writer on aviation, airport management industry and a excellent painter of natural landscapes, depiction of cosmic themes Prof. Dinesh Kumar IAP has been honored at…
Teacher Honor Ceremony to Empower Society with New Direction
Panipat: The Amar Ujala Teacher Honor Ceremony is set to provide new direction to society by recognizing and honoring the contributions of teachers. The ceremony, attended by Education Minister Mahipal Dhanda, will not only celebrate…
Weather Update: Minimum Temperature Drops to 7°C in Panipat
Panipat: As December 2024 begins, the cold wave has gripped the region, with temperatures dropping significantly. On Thursday, the maximum temperature was recorded at 23°C, while the minimum temperature reached 7°C, marking a noticeable…
Today’s Motto: ‘Words are leaves; deeds are fruits’
As Every Day makes a new beginning in life, it brings new opportunities, opens new avenues to perform and make a mark, to write a Page in History Book!
ज्वालामुखी में 250 छात्रों को ‘क्रैक एकेडमी’ ने 1.25 करोड़ रुपए की मेगा स्कॉलरशिप दी
ज्वालामुखी / काँगड़ा : सरकारी कन्या सीनियर सेकेंडरी स्कूल, ज्वालामुखी में अवॉर्ड सेरेमनी में क्रैक एकेडमी ने ज्वालामुखी, हमीरपुर और बिलासपुर के उन 250 छात्रों को सम्मानित किया गया, जिन्होंने "मेरे शहर के 100 रत्न" स्कॉलरशिप टेस्ट में…
पंजाब सरकार बैकफुट पर, सुखना ईको सेंसटिव जोन 100 मीटर तक रहेगा
चंडीगढ़: पंजाब सरकार ने सुखना वन्य जीव अभयारण्य के आसपास ईको सेंसटिव जोन (ईएसजेड) के प्रस्ताव को लेकर बड़ा कदम उठाया है। पहले प्रस्तावित तीन किलोमीटर के दायरे को लेकर विवाद बढ़ने के बाद अब पंजाब सरकार ने इस मुद्दे पर पुनर्विचार का निर्णय…
Today’s Motto: ‘Whatever you can dream, you can do, just begin it’
As Every Day makes a new beginning in life, it brings new opportunities, opens new avenues to perform and make a mark, to write a Page in History Book!
गोरखपुर में ABVP का 70वां राष्ट्रीय अधिवेशन सफलतापूर्वक संपन्न: रिकॉर्ड 55 लाख नए सदस्य जोड़े
शिक्षा सुधार और मणिपुर हिंसा पर प्रस्तावों के साथ 2023-24 में रिकॉर्ड 55 लाख नए सदस्य जोड़े, ऐतिहासिक उपलब्धि दर्ज
Krishna Judiciary Coaching Had its Day Today, as 34 Students Cleared Haryana Judiciary Exam
Chandigarh: In a remarkable achievement, 34 students from Krishna Judiciary Coaching have successfully cleared the prestigious Haryana Judiciary Exam, setting a new benchmark for excellence in legal education. To celebrate this…
Karnataka Bank PO Scale-I Jobs 2024: Apply Now for a Great Career Opportunity
Bangalore: If you are looking for a career in banking, this is the perfect opportunity for you. Karnataka Bank has announced vacancies for PO Scale-I positions. Candidates can apply online through the official website until December 10,…
Today’s Motto: ‘A good leader seldom wears the harness of compromise’
As Every Day makes a new beginning in life, it brings new opportunities, opens new avenues to perform and make a mark, to write a Page in History Book!
पंजाब में अगले सप्ताह तक रहेगा साफ मौसम, AQI में भी सुधार, IMD का अपडेट
लुधियाना/जालंधर। पंजाब में आगामी एक सप्ताह तक मौसम साफ रहने की संभावना है, और IMD (India Meteorological Department) द्वारा कोई अलर्ट जारी नहीं किया गया है। इस दौरान, हल्की धुंध पड़ने की संभावना जताई गई है, लेकिन बारिश के आसार नहीं हैं।…
Today’s Motto: ‘Share your courage with others, but keep your fears to yourself’
As Every Day makes a new beginning in life, it brings new opportunities, opens new avenues to perform and make a mark, to write a Page in History Book!