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Sinister Attacks on Indian Democracy

The Blockade of Prime Minister Modi's route by  'unknown  agitators'  in Punjab on January 05 is a very sinister attack on Indian democracy. Every political leader or a political party has a right to  reach out to Indian citizens at any…

Time for Unity in Calamity !

     World is facing a huge Storm, an unprecedented Calamity ! Covid-19 virus had shaken the world in 2020, from an over-confidence generated slumber. The ‘intoxication’ of prosperity, scientific, technological development and claim to have…

Corona Cries :Serious or Crocodile Tears !

    The Second wave of Covid-19  has  gripped the country in its clasps in the last two months, that every medical  scientist is perplexed, how to  get  citizens out of its grasp.  It is beyond anybody’s  imagination, how  fast its…

Will QUAD Become the New Superpower?

The world is changing from unipolar to multipolar, with friendly alliances challenging the hegemony of superpowers. In essence, the clear message of the Quad to China is to stop coercion and accept international law and norms for a free,…

Democracies sans Responsibility (2)

Democracies, are  flawed  world over,  because of several  reasons: First and the foremost, is the primacy of  Quantity (numbers) over Quality.  It is true, every human being should have equal  rights, facilities and preferences. But …

Democracy (ies) Sans Responsibility !

The  Freedom Movement of India,  is  as old as  the  first aggression  of  foreign  forces on Indian soil, with the ulterior motive of capturing Indian  soil, State or  Power !  Though the Freedom Movement became more visible and prominent…