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Bangladeshi and Indian diaspora in Germany protest against atrocities in B’Desh

‘Save Hindus in Bangladesh’ Call at Rathenau Platz in front of Goethe Statue, in Frankfurt a M Main


Frankfurt: Thousands of immigrant Bangladeshi Hindus  and Indian dispora came out to support one of the most persecuted religious minorities in the world residing in Bangladesh during the last two weeks.

Protesters   vowed their full support  for peace and for  ‘the Hindus right to live with honor and dignity in our motherland’ shouted agitated protesters in  front of Goethe statue in Rathenau Platz in Central Frankfurt area of the city  Saturday, August 17.

Protesters  were supported by all  Bangladeshi and  Indian community like VHP, Friends of India living in the country, apart from some domocracy loving German public  gathered to protest against the targeted atrocities against the Hindus. Many recalled their struggle for freedom against Pakistan military tyranny during 1971 war and earlier. Many muslims also joined the protests and supported their brotheren, the Hindu community in Bangladesh and living together peacefully for last 50 years and more.                                      (NewsOnRadar Bureau, Frankfurt)


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