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Commercialization Of Human Sufferings

Our specialist writer on Community Health issues *Dr. Naresh Purohit laments on the exploitation of patients by the medical profession

New Delhi : When money is the goal in medicine, everything else becomes inconsequential. All values are surrendered. Criminal acts become alluring. Everything is legal in this game. The law unfortunately ignores the loot taking place in public gaze.
The medical empire and the mafia that operates is all about the fall of humanity and the commercialization of human sufferings. The system mechanically follows protocols that are harmful and have practically no utility because the entire chain gains from what goes on. It appears that medicine is heading towards its end game.

For decades I have been warning that health, welfare and care are not the goal of medicine. It is the sick – care that has become the ultimate objective. It has become a high income and earning opportunity. This is why parents want their wards to enter the medical profession. This is why the youth dream of a seat in medical college. This is why opening a pharma shop is good business.
The recent NEET scandal has pointed that medical seats are going to the highest bidder and consequently the lowest qualified. On top of it the medical institutions themselves are suspect with ghost faculty and infrastructure on paper. What education can you expect?

What is taught in medical colleges is another issue. Umpteen senior professors have revealed that it is futile to expect that let alone half baked doctors even 10% baked doctors would emerge from the medical colleges of today. There is no interest to learn as money has already been paid for the degree. Passing out is guaranteed.

If that is not enough look at the hospitals that are horror houses.
The recent developments have prodded demands for protection of medical personnel, the issue goes much beyond this. From the events that are unraveling in the sector involving the entire apparatus it is the public that needs protection from a system that has gone haywire.
Only those inside the set up know what goes on. Things are well beyond what the public knows and is shocked about the recent R G Kar-Kolkata incident that has opened a can of worms and it is still unraveling.

What about the drugs we consume? It is well known that quality control is a misnomer. Everybody signs on the dotted line. Who has the courage to go against the grain?

It is not that there are no good people within the health system. Their helplessness can be judged by the fact that they were forced to take the experimental Covid gene shots fully knowing that there would be serious adverse effects. They had to agree to become guinea pigs so the public would follow.

On the other hand we now have the spectre of 37 WHO identified “diseases” that we are told will create havoc in the near future. Names like Bird Flu, MPox, Nipah, Ebola, HPV, Dengue, Chandipura virus, Shingles are highly advertised and on everyone’s lips. The public is now ready to accept them thanks to the non stop efforts by the media.

An honest system would never allow this. Disease is but an expression of toxicity and the world is full of toxins to induce a wide range of symptoms. Medicine adds significantly to the bag.

The horrendous scandal like Covid could reign without a protest. There are no lessons learnt from it. Whither science? Whither the lofty claims of medicine?

Covid, as admitted, was a rehearsal. It was observed how the entire system worked in unison to implement the game.  Bill Gates now warns that what is coming is 100 times more crazy. The public are fodder for a fire of immense proportions. The blitzkrieg will scare people at a scale never before seen. A shocked population will comply with everything.

None of the Covid responses were scientific. It is now proven that it is the response that killed. The empire ignores the truth. The World Health Organisation is now talking about mega lockdowns using military (NATO) power to reinforce them. The international discussions about need for cremation facilities and detention centres for those who refuse to comply add to the fears.
Population have been reduced to the stature of livestock and poultry. Anything can be done to them. Anything can be justified. The greater good according to economists and climate experts as expressed in the WEF is the extermination of the human population. The world is getting ready for the next lean mean phase of development.

The events orchestrated during Covid times are having serious consequences at a global scale. Populations are plummeting and those still alive are unfit as per the WHOs own admission. Who needs such useless eaters?
The future is what we all can expect. When the fence is assigned the job of destroying the garden it usually does a good job leaving nothing to chance. The life savers are engaged in solving the population problem and leading the world towards a new dawn.


*Dr. Naresh Purohit-MD, DNB, DIH, MHA, MRCP(UK), is an Epidemiologist, Advisor-National Communicable Disease Control Program of Govt. of India, Madhya Pradesh and several state organizations.)

Dr.  Purohit is also Principal Investigator for the Association of Studies For Kidney Care.

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