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Tiger pugmarks seen in Sirmour farmhouse: Camera trap placed


Shimla: State Wild Life wing on Monday placed a camera trap near a private farmhouse in Poanta Shaib of Sirmour district where pug mark of rare guest or tiger was found by Shimla Wild Life team on Sunday.
DFO wildlife Shimla Ravi Shankar who also confirmed identification of tiger pugmark for the first time in this hill state in Sunday stated today that now camera trap was put in the farmhouse to trace the tiger in the same area. He said that on Sunday Wild Life Shimla got a complaint from owner of the farmhouse that rare pug marks were seen by him inside the farmhouse which never seen earlier.
A team of wild life experts rushed to the spot and successfully recreated pug mark from the impressions and latter it was uploaded on the Wild life of India sites which agreed that tiger was in the farmhouse. Ravu Shankar said that further search by wildlife Wing in the farmhouse and nearby jungle found no other pug marks of Tiger. A Twitter page of Wildlife Division DFO Wild life Shimla said rare reporting of the national animal in HP, adjacent to our very own Simbalbara National Park.  Shimla WILDLIFE Division @dfowlshimla state on an official Twitter handle. It is the first time that tiger pugmark was traced in the hill state. He said that since no other pug mark was visible in the nearby area it was expected that tigers would cross to farmhouse through Yamuna River as it was immediately joined Simbalbara national park of Uttrakhand.
Since the level of Yamuna is low enough to walk tiger to other banks from the national park it may have walked or swam here and may have gone back. But to rule out the fear of Complaint that it may present st same spot or come back in in the farmhouse camera trap has been placed by the wildlife. (UNI)

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