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Today’s Motto: ‘Leadership is defined by the Results, not the Attributes’

As Every Day makes a new beginning in life, it brings new opportunities, opens new avenues to perform and make a mark, to write a Page in History Book!

This is Your Day-TODAY:  Take a Determined Step Forward and Make History! 

On this day, 23 Oct….

4004 BC – According to biblical interpretation by church leaders in 1650, the Earth was supposed to have been created.

1814 – The first modern plastic surgery was performed at the Duke of York’s Hospital, Chelsea, England (pic credit-everystreetin london).

1824 – 1st steam locomotive is introduced.

1947 – The first American husband and wife team to win a Nobel Prize, Carl and Gerty Cori of Washington University Medical School, were awarded the Physiology or Medicine Prize for “the discovery on how glycogen is converted to glucose in the body, and for the effects of hypophysis hormones on sugar metabolism.”  (pic credit-Wikipedia)

1959 – Chinese military confrontation with India in Aksai Chin killed 17 Indian soldiers in a clash on the Kashmir border.

1970 – To hold down the population – expected to reach 1 bn by 2000 – the Indian government offered money ($13 to each man) and gifts (a sari for his wife) to those willing to be sterilised. Thirteen dollars was more than three times what an average village worker could then earn in one month. In December, a fair held at Kerala attracted 15,000 men. Just seven months later, a fair in the same town received 63,000.

1990 – Following the arrest of its BJP President L. K. Advani, who was leading a Rathyatra to Ayodhya at Samasthipur in Bihar, BJP withdrew support to National Front Government.

1998 – Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Palestinian Chairman Yasser Arafat agree to the Wye River Memorandum, resuming implementation of the stalled Oslo II Accord which established a level of self-government for Palestine; signed at the White House, In Washington (Pic credit-CNN).

2018 – Microplastics found in human stools for the first time by Austrian scientists.


1954 – Ang Lee. Taiwanese actor, producer/director.  Has 12 best selling movies to his credit,  like Life of Pi, Hulk, Brokeback Mountain, Lust, Caution, Gemini Man etc. Has won 3 Academy, 4  BAPTA, and 3 Golden Globe awards.

1957 – Sunil Bharti Mittal, Indian telecom enterpreneur. He co-founded Bharati Group of industries (Bharti Airtel, Bharati Entreprises, Airtel TV, Digital and a Foundation)  alongwith his brother Rakesh Bharti Mittal.  Company later expanded into insurance, real estate, education and hospitality etc. Has a net worth of US$ 1280 crore and has business expansion into S. Africa and other  overseas areas. He was honored with Padam Bhushan in 2007.

1976 – Ryan Reynolds. Canadian-American comedy actor, director and producer. Known for roles in soap operas Hillside, Two Guys and a Girls, Deadpool, Free Guy and If etc. Also known as sexiest guy on US cinema. Honored  with several MTV awards and and nominations.


1921 – John Boyd Dunlop, Scottish inventor who was a pioneer of the pneumatic tyre.

1962 – Subedar Joginder Singh, PVC. (Commanded a platoon of 1 SIKH in the Tawang sector. Starting at 5:30 am the Chinese attacked in wave after wave. The Platoon held firm even after losing half the men, but not the will to fight. When the last wave came the platoon had very few men left to fight. Subedar Joginder Singh, therefore, manned a light machine gun and killed a large number of enemies, about 52 men. With their ammunition exhausted, Subedar Joginder Singh and his men emerged from their position with fixed bayonets, shouting the Sikh battle cry, “Bole So Nihal, Sat Shiri Akaal”. They fell upon the advancing Chinese and bayoneted many to death. Finally better weapons and numerical superiority of the Chinese prevailed and Subedar Singh was captured after this epic battle. He died from his wounds and frostbite as a PoW in Chinese custody. For his inspiring leadership, steadfast courage and devotion to duty beyond all odds, Subedar Joginder Singh was awarded the highest wartime gallantry medal, the Param Vir Chakra, posthumously).

 You may have known….

Baptism: Rituals involving the literal or symbolic immersion in water, take place in several religious traditions and at different points in a person’s life. Baptism of infants is common practice in Catholicism and viewed as a way of cleansing the child of “original sin.” During the baptism, the priest pours water over the child’s head, or sprinkles a few drops on their forehead, while reciting the Trinitarian invocation, “I baptize you: In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.” (pic credit-Catholic Messenger) 

{Compiled by Lt. Gen. (R) Raj Kadyan}

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