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Today’s Motto: ‘The wagon of success moves on the grease of failure’

As Every Day makes a new beginning in life, it brings new opportunities, opens new avenues to perform and make a mark, to write a Page in History Book!

This is Your Day-TODAY:  Take a Determined Step Forward and Make History! 

On this day,  Sep. 26………….

1938 – Hitler issues ultimatum to Czech government, demanding Sudenten Land.

1960 – Fidel Castro gives a very long speech at the United Nations, 4 hours, 29 minutes. (The longest speech ever given to the UN was delivered in 1957 by the Indian politician VK Krishna Menon, who talked for nearly eight hours while defending India’s position on Kashmir. He was India’s first High Commissioner in England, 1947, later became Defence Minister in PM Nehru’s  cabinet. Was removed following Jeep Scandal allegations and failure to defend the country in China attack in 1960-62).

1975 – Notification to pay equal payment to both men and women workers was promulgated in India.

1975 – Constitution (39th Amendment) Bill 1975, placing election of the President, Vice President, Prime Minister and Speaker of the Lok Sabha beyond the scrutiny of the judiciary, approved by Indian Parliament.

1979 – Ch. Charan Singh launches a new party called the Lok Dal.

1991 – Four men and four women entered the Biosphere 2, an airtight, self-contained structure in Oracle, Arizona, where they would live for two years. The 7,200,000-cu-ft sealed glass and space-frame structure contained 5 biomes, including a 900,000-gallon ocean, a rain forest, a desert, agricultural areas and a human habitat. Biosphere 2 was designed as replica of Earth’s environment. During their stay, the crew experienced various problems. Limited agricultural productivity restricted their diet. Micro-organisms in the soil reduced oxygen levels in the atmosphere and added nitrous oxide. The crew emerged on 26 Sep 1993. Unfortunately, the problems with the project’s results brought scientific disdain.

1996 – Deve Gowda, PM, takes oath as Rajya Sabha member. He was the first PM to enter parliament through RS. (Indira Gandhi was already a RS member when elected leader in 1966).


1921 – Sub Joginder Singh PVC (1962). He defended Indian post Tongpen La in NEFA against Chinese attack in 1962.  Awarded Param Vir Chakra, the highest Gallentary Award (posthumus)

1923 – Dev Anand,  legendary  Bollywood  film actor, producer, director. (Born Dharam Devdutt Pishorimal Anand, in Ferozepur-Punjab).  Dev Anand aspired to become a performer after seeing Ashok Kumar’s acting  in films like Achhut Kanya and Kismet.  (video credit-Nupur Movies)

1932 – Dr Manmohan Singh, world known economist, reformer, served World Bank  and Reserve Bank of India  Governor.  Was appointed Finance Minister by PM  Narasimha  Rao in 1992  and became Prime Minister of India in 2004 till 2014.

1962 – Chunky Pandey, Bollywood actor. Did over 100 films like Tezaab, Aag Hi Aag,  Houseful, Aankhen etc.


1902 – Levi Strauss,  Baveria born, German-American inventor and manufacturer of  blue jeans,  branded and marketed  by his own name,  he was one of the best-known beneficiaries of California’s gold rush economic boom. Has a net worth of Rs. 695.79  Billion ($8.26 B) as of today.

1956 – Laxmanrao Kirloskar, great social reformer, industrialist, patriot and founder of the Kirloskar Industries.

1977 – Uday Shankar (Chowdhury), producer and director of dance-based film ‘Kalpana’. His main achievement was the blending of the Indian classical style with the Western Ballet and various folk dances. (He was the elder brother of Pandit Ravishankar).

You may have known….

Dowry: Traditionally, at the time of marriage, a family said goodbye to their girl with gifts mainly in the form of gold jewellery. This was called Stree-dhan: the property of the woman. However, with time, the practice changed. Families started paying dowry in cash, propertie

(pic credit-Thierry Falise via  Getty Images)

s, and even education, to the groom, as a sign of gratitude for taking responsibility of their daughter. This illegal, shocking rituals in India practised  by people irrespective of their religion, is not only demeaning for the  woman getting married  as her value  is measured in terms of money, but puts a great deal of financial pressure on the family.   Many brides are killed  or tortured for dowry, while their helpless families commit suicide.


{Compiled by Lt. Gen. (R) Raj Kadyan

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