News around you

Today’s Motto: ‘The real opportunity for success lies within the person and not in the job’

As Every Day makes a new beginning in life, it brings new opportunities, opens new avenues, to perform and make a mark, to write a Page in History Book

This is Your Day-TODAY: Take a Determined Step Forward and Make History! 

On this day,  June 28……..

1762 – 1st reported counterfeiting attempt (Boston).

1832 – The first American case of a cholera epidemic was reported in New York City.

1846 – Saxophone is patented by Antoine Joseph Sax.

1859 – 1st dog show held (Newcastle-on-Tyne, England).

1909 – 1st French air show, Concours d’Avation opens.

1919 – Treaty of Versailles, ending WWI and establishing the League of Nations, isVersailles signed in France.

1928 – Austrian Friedrich Schmiedl launched his first experimental rocket. (The design he first used was not successful. However, by 9 Sep 1931, he started the world’s first official postal rocket-mail service between two Austrian towns. A parachute provided a safe landing. His rocket-mail service continued until 16 Mar 1933 when laws prohibited the civilian use of explosives, including his rocket fuel).

1938 – An aerial tramway, the first in North America, was dedicated. This was popular with the Boston-area ski clubs.

1965 – 1st US ground combat forces in Vietnam authorised by President Lyndon B. Johnson.

1965 – The first commercial telephone conversation over a satellite took place over Early Bird I between America and Europe.

1975 – As a response to anti-government demonstrations, India imposes the toughest press censorship since independence.

1976 – 1st woman was admitted to US Air Force Academy.Lal Denga

1986 – Indian Union Government sanctions maternity leave for unmarried women employees too.

1986 – Accord with Mizo National Front; Lal Denga to be the chief minister of Mizoram.

2011 – The U.N. reports 10 million people are affected by the worst drought in 60 years, forcing Somalians to flee to Kenya and Ethiopia to avoid starvation.

2018 – Power company uncovers Neolithic wooden trackway 2,300 years old in Suffolk, England. One of the largest archaeological digs in Europe at 16,000 square metres.

2019 – 3,400 year old Bronze Age palace from the Mittani Empire uncovered on the banks of the Tigris River, due to lack of rainfall dropping the water level in the Mosul Dam reservoir.

2021 – AirCar, prototype flying car capable of flying 1,000km (600 miles), at height of 8,200 ft, completes 35 min test flight between Nitra and Bratislava airports in Slovakia.

Jaspal Rana2021 – Mexico’s Supreme Court decriminalizes marijuana use by adults.


1921 – P V Narasimha Rao,a highly educated statesman, fiction writer, lawyer.  He had good command over 17 languages. 9th Prime Minister of India, from 1991-96, credited with finscal liberalisation in India.  He was conferred Bharat Ratna this year.

1976 – Jaspal Rana, veteran shooter, who won Gold in Centre Fire Pistol shooting in Asian Games 1994 and Commonwealth medal later (pic credit-The week). 

You may have known….Spider Dress

In England it is considered good luck to find a spider on your wedding dress (pic credit-Pinterest).

Raj Kadyan


{Compiled by Lt. Gen. (R) Raj Kadyan}

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