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Iranian President Ebrahinm Raisi’s Helipcopter Crashes on Azerbaizan border

Teheran/Baku: Iranian  military helicopter carrying Ebrahim Raisi, the President and foreign Azerbaizanminister Hossein Amir-Abdollahian are feared to have met a  serious accident this morning. The crash is feared to have occured on Azerbaizan border due to heavy rains and increment foggy weather on the border of two countries, while Raisi was on his way for inaugurating a dam built with joint collaboration between the two neighbours.

BakuMany apprehensions are being raised whether it is a sabotage act by Iran’s enemies (alleged to be Israel’s Mossad, Armenian secret agents or Ukrainians).

Iranian Vice President and Iranian Security guards chief have flown to the crash site but nobody is yet able to reach the crash site due to heavy foggy weather and marshy routes in the area of air crash. Azerbaizan President and most other world leaders are issueing anxoius statements hoping the crash victims are recued soon and are found hale and healthy.

Iranian supreme leader Khamnei has appealed to all his countrymen to wait for the final reports on the unfortunate crash this morning.  US President Biden has called  an impromptu  meeting of his security advisor team to discuss effects of this happening on world peace and politico-geographic situation.

Indian PM Nartendra Modi has also issued a statement,  advising everyone to take courage and hope for the best.

(more to follow- Editor)

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