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July 13, 2021

Complete Doggy Day Care

Life for the city dog- a continuous wait – looking forward to the return of her guardian, in which the long hours are mostly spent sleeping. And when the clock strikes the time of return- the bundle of energy is all set for play and…

White River Rafting in Rishikesh

One of the best water sports, white river rafting, has gained tremendous popularity over the years. The name itself sounds exciting and dangerous to everyone, the strong and extreme current and turbulence in the water makes it quite…

Mindless to mindful eating

Eating mindlessly may be contributing to the ever-expanding waistlines across the globe. Research into mindful eating has largely focused on weight control and helping people to develop a better relationship with food. How can you eat more…

Learning Mathematics The Fun Way

The part that I have always cherished being an educator for the last three decades is interacting with students. Each student is like a snowflake that is unique, unmatched, different and each of them has a bearing which intrigues and…

Chromebook ready?

What’s the first thing you do on a laptop? Most of us open a web browser (mostly Google Chrome) and start working. Should MS Office refuse to open, no worries. You simply open Google Docs and go ahead. Right? If Adobe Acrobat Reader fails…

How Google Makes Money

Google is well known for its popular search engine, email service, web browser, and various online tools we use daily at work, at home, and on the go. What many don’t think about day-to-day, however, is that all of these services are free.…